Filed under Prayer

This is not a safe journey, but oh so good!

Discipleship and disciple-making is not about the transfer of information.  It is also not merely “hanging out” and being friends.  It is a marriage of Truth and relationship.  It involves Truth that is unchanging taught in an organic, changing relationship.  This relationship is not for the faint of heart!  It is not for those who … Continue reading

Long awaited blooms

       I love perennials.  First and foremost, I am cheap.  They do come back if you do not have a killer instinct–and sometimes even if you do!  Secondly, they gain strength with each year.  Thirdly, they multiply.         Four years ago, my mom bought plants for me for my birthday.  It was so much fun … Continue reading


Prayer can be one of the most confusing things in the Christian life. People can pull out scripture and twist it horribly about prayer. There are some “camps” that say–pray it in faith and it is yours. This can be a problem because then the “responsibility” of all faith is on the person. So, when … Continue reading